Changing the way we talk about addiction Recovery.

Ghost Pepper helps organizations that do meaningful work do it even better. We’ll help you sharpen your message, expand your reach, and impact more lives.

In a crowded, chaotic market and media environment, effective communications, public relations, and government affairs strategies have never been more important. That’s where we come in.

Communications Strategy & Storytelling

Organizations, individuals, causes, and companies are fighting to rise above the noise. We’ll help you do exactly that by honing a message that’s effective and authentic. Then we will develop a plan to get that message in front of the right audience. Again and again.

Public Relations

The work you do matters. It’s too important for the public, potential customers, clients, or patients not to know about it. For some of our partners, their message breaking through can be a matter of life and death. That’s why we take this so seriously, leveraging our network of media contacts – from Los Angeles and Silicon Valley to Washington, DC and state capitals across the country – to get your story heard.

Ghost Writing

We have a team of accomplished writers – authors, speechwriters, and screenwriters – who make a living on the page. They’ll work with you to sharpen your message, carving it into a clear, authentic call to action. We translate clinical and corporate-speak into inviting, relatable and, most importantly, compelling language. Whether it’s a keynote address, short toast, website copy, blog post, or press release, we have you covered.

Government Affairs Strategy

Legislators rely upon clear messaging to craft legislation and to persuade others to support it. They need input from experts and stakeholders like you. Put simply: You need a seat at the table – and we’ll get you one.

Ready to expand your impact?